***ESC is holding a Carnival Committee Meeting on Monday January 14th @ 6:15pm (right after Canskate) at the Complex. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND***
If you are new to the Espanola Skating Club, our annual end of season Carnival Show proves to be the highlight of the year for both skaters and families. Although Carnival is a few short months away our coaches and ESC executives are already starting to prepare and organize for the event.
The ESC prides itself on being one of the only small skating clubs who still puts on an annual ice show. This is truly the highlight of the skater's year. It is an opportunity for all of our skaters from Learn to Skate to Seniors to show what they can do. This event takes a lot of planning, organizing and VOLUNTEERS, to make it successful.
Volunteers are a necessary requirement in order for our club to have a successful carnival. If you do not think you will be able to volunteer on the carnival day itself, there are several jobs that need to be done before hand. You are expected to volunteer in some way.
Help is needed in the following ways:
-Costumes design, sewing, alterations,
-Costume handout, hand-in, put away
-Business sponsorship (contact local business for sponsorship keeps cost down, send out letters, follow up, get adds to put in Carnival Program)
-Table / Program Sales: A table will be set up near the entrance to the rink for souvenirs and program sales
-Carnival set up: this job is done the day before and the day of the carnival. It involves helping to set up props, curtains, decorations, etc.
-Carnival clean up: this job is done directly after the show. It involves taking all of the props, curtains etc down and a general cleanup.
-Dressing Room attendants: The dressing room attendants are required to be in the room for the skaters during the show. You will be required to help with skates, costumes, etc. You will be required to have the groups ready to go when it's their turn to perform.
Each of these jobs must be filled with volunteers to enable us to put on a quality show. Your help and co-operation is greatly appreciated.
Please inform your group rep which way you would like to contribute and help make this the best Carnival Show ever!
Thank You,
ESC vice-president