Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bake Sale Update

Our Annual Bake Sale Fundraiser was a great success again this year!

A great big Thank You to all who have helped support this fundraiser, either by baking, selling or buying. 

Especially Jodi Bourcier who organized this event,

Monday, November 10, 2014

ESC Annual Festive Bake Sale

The ESC will be holding their Annual Fundraising Bake Sale again this year.  

We are looking for volunteers to help in the following ways:

♥ Baking

♥ Selling

Please contact your group rep and let them know how you can contribute.

Or email the ESC at espanolaskatingclub@gmail.com

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Attention all STARSKATE members!

There are some major changes Skate Canada and ESC are implementing this season!

Please take a few minutes to read up on and/or visit Skate Canada HERE!

STAR 1-5 Parent Guide

Congratulations on being the parent of a figure skater; the STAR 1-5 competition program is where figure skating begins! The STAR competition program is comprised of five different levels of events for skaters who have completed the CanSkate program.  It introduces participants to key components of figure skating including performance, assessment, and competition. STAR 1-5 fits into the Learn to Train level of Skate Canada’s Long-Term Athlete Development Model (LTADM).
Each stage of this national program emphasizes key skills such as turns, stroking, jumps, spins, and different aspects of performance that have been designated by figure skating experts as necessary for development and progression in our sport. It is important to note that every skater is unique and will advance at different rates due to various factors such as growth spurts and participation.  To accommodate individual needs, the STAR 1-5 competition program is designed to be fluid and allow skaters to progress at their own pace, even skipping levels if appropriate; skaters may move through several levels in a season or stay at the same level – it’s all dependent on individual athlete development!  At all stages and levels, parents should discuss their skater’s progress with their coach to determine the best options for them. The chart below provides a brief description of each level:
Group Elements Event
Introduces skaters to performing elements like jumps and spins in a fun group environment with their coaches. Skaters are evaluated and receive a report card and ribbon based on their performance.

Evaluated Program
Skaters now take many of the elements they learned in STAR 1 as well as new skills and perform them in a program in front of judges. Many skaters may learn a program in a group and even share music. Like STAR 1, skaters are evaluated and receive a report card and ribbon.

Evaluated Program
STAR 3 continues to build on the skills learned in STAR 1 and 2. More difficult elements like an axel jump are added and judges evaluate the programs based on more challenging criteria.  Skaters also receive a report card and ribbon.

Ranked Program
Axels are encouraged at this level and receive a bonus for successful completion. STAR 4 serves as a transition point between evaluated levels and competition incorporating a points system. Assessments are used to produce a ranking for each group of competitors. Each skater receives a report card with top finishers in each group receiving either a ribbon or medal.

In STAR 1-4, skaters are evaluated against a national standard by a panel of certified judges. Each element they perform receives an assessment of Gold, Silver, Bronze or Merit as well as an overall standing.

Ranked Program
Skaters may perform double jumps at this level. STAR 5 is the first time skaters are rewarded points for elements and performance; it is the same scoring system used to judge top competitive figure skaters. Skaters are ranked based on total points and are provided a detailed report card. Top finishers receive medals.

What Happens After STAR 1-5?
Skaters may choose to continue in higher levels of the STARSkate program (Senior Bronze, Junior Silver, etc.) or transition into in CompetitiveSkate (Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, etc.). Skaters may also explore ice dancing, pair skating, interpretive skating, or synchronized (team) skating.  There are many opportunities for skaters and the best path for athletes to take should be a decision made collaboratively (child, parent and coach).
Helping your skater get the most out of STAR 1-5
There are a lot of options within figure skating and that can sometimes be overwhelming; here are some tips to make this a positive and fun experience for parents and children.
·         Keep it Fun. The focus of STAR 1-5 should be on enjoyment and developing figure skating specific skills. Encourage skaters to have fun, try their best, and learn to find joy in all aspects of the sport. Remember this is their sport.

·         Ask Questions.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the way the skating world works!  Your coach is a good place to start as are experienced parents and club volunteers.  You can also find excellent information on-line at www.skatecanada.ca, as well as your section and club websites.  

·         Reward Effort.  Do not get hung up on results; instead, focus on personal progress and effort. Rankings only reflect the performances on the ice and not who skaters are as individuals. Skaters are not machines and top world skaters have bad days too.

·         Provide Emotional Support.  This is a really challenging sport. Even in the STAR 1-5 competition program skaters attempt fairly complex movements on a tiny blade and slippery surface; that’s enough to make anyone nervous!  Being anxious before competition is normal and it can be helpful to explain to your children that their nerves just show they care about how much they want to do their best.

·         Model Healthy Eating and Physical Activity.  Even beginner athletes need the right fuel to help them perform at their best.  Modeling healthy eating behavior and providing meals that are nutritious and balanced will benefit your entire family.  Encourage participation in a range of physical activities in addition to skating - can you find physical activities that you can do together as a family?

·         Communicate with your Coach.  Your coach is there to help you as well as your child.  Communicate with them regularly about the progress of your skater and to chart a course for development that works for your family and your budget.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Registration Form Available Here!

The Registration Form for the Fall/Winter 2014/2015 Skate Season is available HERE.

Print your copy and register in person on August 26 or August 27th from 5-7:30pm or on September 8th from 4-8pm at the Complex lobby.  Come early as space is limited for certain skate levels!
The deadline to register is September 8th.  Any registration forms received after this will incur an additional $50 late processing fee.  So don't delay!

Don't forget to like us and follow us on our Facebook page to stay in the loop with the latest updates!

Have a great skate!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

2014/2015 Registration Days are Coming

It's time to register your skater for another season!

*** 2014/2015 SCHEDULE is posted in the tab ↑  above  ↑  *** 

SKARSKATE (Primary, Intermediate, Senior) and CANHOCKEY:
Lessons start the week begining September 8th

CANSKATE (Learn To Skate AND CanSkate):
Lessons start the week begining September 15th
Still the same amount of skate lessons, just bumped up a month :)

*** 2014/2015 SCHEDULE is posted in the tab ↑  above  ↑  *** 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Annual General Meeting

***********   Open to all ESC Members *************

Espanola Skating Club Annual General Meeting 
Tuesday April 29th, 2014 @ 7pm
Espanola Regional Recreation Complex 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Coach Wanted!

The Espanola Skating Club, located 40 min. West of Sudbury is seeking an additional coach for the 2014-2015 season. Candidates must possess a minimum ISPC certification. A flexible weekly schedule is to be determined. Mileage from out of town will be paid by the Club.
Please forward your resume (including references), coaching credentials, and a copy of first aid certificate to espanolaskatingclub@gmail.com or mail to ESC, P.O. BOX 5033, Espanola, ON, P5E 1S1.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Interclub 2014 Results

The Espanola Skating Club members took to the ice in Garson for the annual Rainbow Region Interclub Competition on January 18th, 2014.
The weekend started off with 2 Espanola skaters receiving Gold Test Awards.  Paige Shank and Kylee Dormer both received an award for passing their Gold Level Interpretive Tests over the past year.   Competition followed with the following skaters competing in Freeskate events as well as Elements, Spins and Team events for some.

Paige Shank 1st Jr Silver Ladies Free 

Alex Langlois 2nd Preliminary Ladies Free, 1st preliminary spins, 3rd preliminary elements 

Christen Ramsay 2nd Preliminary ladies Free, 5th Preliminary elements, 4th preliminary spins

Chloe Mokohonuk 3rd preliminary ladies free, 2nd preliminary elements, 4th preliminary spins 

Grace Selinger 6th Preliminary ladies Free, 5th preliminary spins, 6th preliminary elements 

Jenna Bourcier  3rd preliminary ladies free, 3rd preliminary spins, 5th preliminary elements 

Andrea Mitroff  5th preliminary ladies free, 3rd preliminary elements, 4th preliminary spins 

Abby Kuula, 3rd pre preliminary ladies free, 4th pre preliminary spins, 2nd pre preliminary elements

Amelia Noble, 4th pre preliminary ladies free, 5th pre preliminary spins, 4th pre preliminary elements

Cassidy Galliott, 6th pre preliminary ladies free, 5th pre-preliminary spins, 6th pre preliminary elements.

Maggie Sanders, Chloe Paul and Erin Arthur all participated at the introductory level and received report cards from the evaluators based on their performances.

Skaters are now busy preparing for an upcoming test day as well as Make It a Date Competition in North Bay followed by the Espanola Skating Club’s annual Ice show and a final competition in Little Current at the end of March.

Submitted by Monique Shank

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Carnival Meeting! Volunteers Needed!


2014 Carnival Committee Meeting

If you are new to the Espanola Skating Club, our annual end of season Carnival Show proves to be the highlight of the year for both skaters and families. Although Carnival is months away our coaches and ESC executives are already starting to prepare and organize for the event.

This event takes a lot of planning, organizing and VOLUNTEERS, to make it successful.

Volunteers are a necessary requirement in order for our club to have a successful carnival. If you do not think you will be able to volunteer on the carnival day itself, there are several jobs that need to be done before hand.  Every skater’s parent is expected to volunteer in some way.

We encourage all ESC members and their parents/guardians to attend our Carnival Committee Meeting on

Monday January 13th, 2013

6pm (right after Canskate)

Complex Lobby

Volunteer positions are needed for:

-Group leader
-Costumes: design, sewing, alterations
-Costume handout, hand-in, put away
-Table / Program Sales: A table will be set up near the entrance to the rink for souvenirs  program sales
-50/50 Draw selling tickets during event
-Carnival set up: this job is done the day before carnival. It involves helping to set up props, curtains, decorations, etc.
-Carnival clean up: this job is done directly after the show. It involves taking all of the props, curtains etc down and a general cleanup.
-Dressing Room attendants: The dressing room attendants are required to be in the room for the skaters during the show. You will be required to help with skates, costumes, etc. You will be required to have the groups ready to go when it's their turn to perform.

Each of these jobs must be filled with volunteers to enable us to put on a quality show. Your help and co-operation is greatly appreciated.

The ESC executives

Monday, January 6, 2014

Skating Programs Cancelled Today

Hi everyone!

It's another snow day!
This evening's Skating Programs have been cancelled due to weather conditions, as per ESC policies.
·         SCHOOL/BUS CANCELLATION DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS (Adopted August 2, 2013):  In the event of a school and/or bus cancellation due to weather conditions, skating lessons for that day will automatically be cancelled.