Monday, September 9, 2013

Mable's Labels & ESC

Have you heard of Mabel's Labels?  Need to get organized?  Tired of your skater losing their stuff?
Click HERE to find out how you can get organized and support our local skating club!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

CanSkate Registration Days

Espanola Skating Club
Registration Days:
September 16th, 18th, 24th and 26th 2013
from 5pm-7pm
At the Espanola Recreational Complex
*Note:  This is a one time season registration.  Any registration forms received after September 26th, 2013 will be charged a $ 50 late fee.

Monday, September 2, 2013

New Policies

Did you know the ESC adopted two new policies this year?  They are listed in your parent manual.  Please take a minute to review.
·         SCHOOL/BUS CANCELLATION DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS (Adopted August 2, 2013):  In the event of a school and/or bus cancellation due to weather conditions, skating lessons for that day will automatically be cancelled. 
·         ANNUAL SKATING CARNIVAL PARTICIPATION (Adopted August 2, 2013):  Registration fees include participation in the Annual Skating Carnival.   Lessons will end 2 weeks prior to the Carnival dress rehearsal date for those members who choose not to participate in the Carnival.  Fees will be the same for all members, regardless if they participate in the Carnival.
Thank you!