Sunday, February 23, 2014

Interclub 2014 Results

The Espanola Skating Club members took to the ice in Garson for the annual Rainbow Region Interclub Competition on January 18th, 2014.
The weekend started off with 2 Espanola skaters receiving Gold Test Awards.  Paige Shank and Kylee Dormer both received an award for passing their Gold Level Interpretive Tests over the past year.   Competition followed with the following skaters competing in Freeskate events as well as Elements, Spins and Team events for some.

Paige Shank 1st Jr Silver Ladies Free 

Alex Langlois 2nd Preliminary Ladies Free, 1st preliminary spins, 3rd preliminary elements 

Christen Ramsay 2nd Preliminary ladies Free, 5th Preliminary elements, 4th preliminary spins

Chloe Mokohonuk 3rd preliminary ladies free, 2nd preliminary elements, 4th preliminary spins 

Grace Selinger 6th Preliminary ladies Free, 5th preliminary spins, 6th preliminary elements 

Jenna Bourcier  3rd preliminary ladies free, 3rd preliminary spins, 5th preliminary elements 

Andrea Mitroff  5th preliminary ladies free, 3rd preliminary elements, 4th preliminary spins 

Abby Kuula, 3rd pre preliminary ladies free, 4th pre preliminary spins, 2nd pre preliminary elements

Amelia Noble, 4th pre preliminary ladies free, 5th pre preliminary spins, 4th pre preliminary elements

Cassidy Galliott, 6th pre preliminary ladies free, 5th pre-preliminary spins, 6th pre preliminary elements.

Maggie Sanders, Chloe Paul and Erin Arthur all participated at the introductory level and received report cards from the evaluators based on their performances.

Skaters are now busy preparing for an upcoming test day as well as Make It a Date Competition in North Bay followed by the Espanola Skating Club’s annual Ice show and a final competition in Little Current at the end of March.

Submitted by Monique Shank